The Evansville African American Museum is made possible by generous contributions from individuals like you, as well as sponsorship and grants from corporations and foundations. Unrestricted gifts for our general operations offer the greatest flexibility in carrying out our mission: to continually develop a resource and cultural center to collect, preserve, and educate the public on the history and traditions of African American families, organizations, and communities.
Through a bequest, (a gift through one’s will), you may arrange for the museum to receive:
A specific dollar amount
Specified assets- such as securities, real estate, fine art, or historic personal property.
All or a percentage of the remainder of your estate after all other obligations are settled.
Your bequest can provide flexibility to the museum in meeting our future needs build the museum’s collection, strengthen our operating goals, and insure that your legacy of support lives on.
Every gift is important. Thanks to all who have contributed time, talent and treasure to make the Evansville African American Museum a reality.